Candor Chamber of Commerce
P.O. BOX 32
Candor, New York 13743


January - December $35 each year

Business Name: _______________________________________________________ 

Official Representatives:_________________________________________________

Street Address_________________________________________________________

City_______________________ State____________ Zip Code__________________

Business Phone# _____________________Fax#_______________________

Website Address (if applicable)___________________________________________
Can we link to your website from Chamber website Yes ____No____
(Please Check One)

Type of Business:   (  ) Accommodations (  ) Health Care (  ) Restaurant (   )Retail/Wholesales (  ) Sales & Service (  ) Parks & Recreation (  ) Animal Care (  ) (   ) Manufacturer  (   ) Farm   (  ) Other:____________________________________
Number of Employees: (      ) Number of Years in Business: (       )

What are your Major Specialties? (What do you want to be known for?):

Services Offered: In 25 words or less, write a description of your business as if you were advertising in a newspaper. This information will be used for PR purpose by the media committee and for inclusion in brochure updates. (Attach a separate sheet or use the back of the application)

Signature of Applicant:__________________________________ Date:__________   
                                           If you have a logo, please attach it to this application.


 Office use Only                                                     Date of Action Taken:
Date and Signature of Receiving Party:                    Approved by Membership Committee:
    Secretary___________________________________     Approved by Chamber Board__________________
    Membership Chair:_________________________      Check Deposited by Treasurer:__________________
    PR Chairperson:____________________________      Application Notified of Decision:___________________