If you'd like to include your ongoing event, please email [email protected]
- Candor Community Chorus rehearsal. Music Room at Candor Elementary School, 7 PM. All welcome!
- Candor History Center is open 9 AM- Noon. Other times by appointment by contacting Georgia Westgate at 659-7769 or Nancy Riggs at 759-4001. We have lots of old photographs, family histories, information on past Candor businesses, old CCS Yearbooks, old newspapers, books about growing up in Candor, etc.
- Candor Chamber of Commerce meetings are held the 2nd Monday of the month at 7 PM. They are currently held via Zoom.
- Story Hour downstairs at the Candor Free Library 10:30-11:30 AM.
- Candor Planning Board Meetings are held the 1st Tuesday of each month at 7 PM.
- Candor Town Board Meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7 PM. They are also streamed live on YouTube.
- The Bread of Life Food Pantry on Water Street is open every Wednesday from 3:00 - 5:30 PM.
- The Open Hearts Dinner, a free meal, is open for drive-thru takeout every Wednesday night at the Methodist Church on Owego St. from 4:00 - 5:30 PM. Enter through DelRay Ave.
- Candor Community Pottery Class, Candor High School Art Room 220, 6-7:30 PM. $20. Sign up ahead of time to use the wheel by emailing [email protected]. Wheel spots are limited to 6 per class. Enter through the back of the building near the stadium and follow the signs to the art room.
- Candor Crafters, Candor Free Library, Every other Thursday 6 - 7:30 PM, Jan. 18, Feb. 1, Feb. 15, etc. Make stuff, be inspired, meet neighbors, swap supplies, and share skills. Bring-your-own craft group for adults.
- Food available at the Legion on Spencer Rd. Menu varies weekly. Starts at 6 PM.