Candor Historical Society
PO Box 585
Candor, New York 13743
607-759-4001 Nancy Riggs
email: [email protected]
A group of people dedicated to preserving and sharing local history. We present monthly programs on topics of historical significance in Candor and the surrounding areas. Check our website for current programs and other information. Also check our Facebook page for more interesting history. Books and other items about Candor's history are for sale.
The Candor History Center at 25 Main St.,Candor, New York is open on Mondays from 9:00 AM to Noon or by appointment by calling Georgia Westgate at 607-659-7769 or Nancy Riggs at 607-759-4001. Come see all of the books, clippings, newspapers, photos, etc. that we have about Candor.
PO Box 585
Candor, New York 13743
607-759-4001 Nancy Riggs
email: [email protected]
A group of people dedicated to preserving and sharing local history. We present monthly programs on topics of historical significance in Candor and the surrounding areas. Check our website for current programs and other information. Also check our Facebook page for more interesting history. Books and other items about Candor's history are for sale.
The Candor History Center at 25 Main St.,Candor, New York is open on Mondays from 9:00 AM to Noon or by appointment by calling Georgia Westgate at 607-659-7769 or Nancy Riggs at 607-759-4001. Come see all of the books, clippings, newspapers, photos, etc. that we have about Candor.
Resource Center of Candor
(Bread of Life Food Pantry)
PO Box 94
Candor, New York 13743
email: [email protected]
The food pantry is open to residents in the Candor School District. It is located at 1 Water Street, Candor, New York. Food is distributed every Wednesday afternoon from 3:00 - 5:30 PM.
(Bread of Life Food Pantry)
PO Box 94
Candor, New York 13743
email: [email protected]
The food pantry is open to residents in the Candor School District. It is located at 1 Water Street, Candor, New York. Food is distributed every Wednesday afternoon from 3:00 - 5:30 PM.